Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Program Team Training!

    • Welcome to Thinkific!

    • Assignment: Read Coach Playbook

    • Assignment: Lead Coach Meeting - Playbook Discussion

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    Module 1: Welcome to CrossPurpose

    • Welcome [Leader Focused] from Program Director, Jen Janz

    • Our Core Values

    • Our Why: Heart Behind CrossPurpose - Jason Janz, Chief Executive Officer

    • Assignment: What Do You Value?

    • Our Core Behaviors

    • Our Why: Heart Behind CrossPurpose - Juan Peña, Chief Innovation Officer

    • Assignment: Tell us more!

    • Assignment: Program Director Meeting - History, Values, & Beliefs Discussion

    • Assignment: CrossPurpose Treasure Hunt

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    Module 2: Program Overview

    • Program Overview (6 months)

    • Meet Your Trainers

    • Assignment: Have lunch with a team member this week!

    • Team Roles and Responsibilities

    • Glossary of Terms and Acronyms

    • Assignment: Let's Check Your Knowledge

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    Module 3: Admissions

    • Admissions Intro

    • Admissions Map

    • Admissions Coach Calls

    • Salesforce: Admissions Coach Calls

    • Review Meetings

    • Salesforce: Background Checks

    • Admissions Status Breakdown

    • Salesforce: Admissions Decisions

    • Accepted Leaders

    • Salesforce: Survey Tracking (After Acceptance)

    • Salesforce: Pre-Coaching Sessions

    • Salesforce: Drug Test Results

    • Salesforce: Status Changes

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    Module 4: Personal Development

    • Introduction to Personal Development

    • Why The Me Tree?

    • Me Tree: Five Roots

    • Me Tree: Seven Levels of Relationship - Growing Branches

    • Me Tree: Conflict - Broken Branches

    • Assignment: The Me Tree in Action

    • Story Telling

    • Cover Letter

    • Branding Statement

    • Resume

    • References

    • Pechakucha

    • Assignment: Pechakucha Practice

    • Assignment: Read Voices of the Heart and Needs of the Heart

    • Salesforce: Leader KPI's

    • Salesforce: Current Career Track

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    Module 5: Skill Development

    • Introduction to Skill Development

    • Skill Track Offerings

    • Skill Track Certifications

    • Udemy 101

    • Penn Foster 101

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    Module 6: Career Launch

    • Introduction to Career Launch

    • Career Launch Overview

    • Getting Started: Trello Job Board

    • What is a Career Conversation?

    • Salesforce: Employment Updates

    • Graduation & Bonus Requirement

    • Graduation Overview

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    Module 7: Family Gathering

    • Introduction to, Heart, and Why of Family Gathering

    • In-Person and Zoom Family Gatherings

    • Allies and the Ally Role

    • How to Give an Announcement

    • How to Lead a Game

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    Module 8: Coaching 101

    • Welcome to Coaching

    • Who and What is a Coach?

    • Coaching Tips

    • Tips on Coaching Leaders

    • Coaching Meetings

    • Leader Resources

    • Salesforce: Relief Fund

    • Spiritual Development: Knowing Your Story

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    Module 9: Resources and Videos to Watch

    • Communication Tools

    • Spiritual Development: Sharing the Gospel

    • Salesforce: Creating Weekly Tasks and Monthly Coaching Sessions

    • Communication Tools: G-Suites Training

    • Assignment: Enneagram Readings

    • Pairin

    • Salesforce 101

    • Salesforce: Creating Listviews

    • Salesforce: Creating Status Changes

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    Well Done & Moving Forward

    • What does onboarding look like from here?

    • Closing Encouragement