Course curriculum

  • 1

    Setting Your Sights: Your Career Vision

    • The Full Story: Strengths and Vision

    • Visioning Activity #1: A Letter to Myself

    • Thinkific Platform - Finding Your Why.pdf

  • 2

    Ready, Set, Go: Goal Setting

    • Video: An Overview of SMART Goals


  • 3

    Putting it on Paper: Resume Writing

    • Resume Writing Overview

  • 4

    Create Your Cover Story: Cover Letters

    • Can't Live With 'Em -- Can't Live Without 'Em: Writing Your Cover Letter

    • Cover Letter Writing Handbook

    • Writing Your Cover Letter

  • 5

    He Said / She Said / They Said: Personal and Professional References

    • Your Professional References

    • Getting Started: Professional References

    • Building Your Master List of Professional References

  • 6

    "Tell Me About Yourself": Interviewing Skills

    • Interviewing 101: The Basics

    • Top 10 Interview Questions

    • How to End an Interview

    • Your Turn: Top 10 Interview Questions

  • 7

    Story - Start with you

    • Welcome!

    • Power of a Single Story

    • Danger of a Single Story

    • Power of Story

    • Your Story Matters

    • Identity Development - Past, Present & Future

    • Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

    • Module 1 - Complete The Survey

  • 8

    Strength & Structure

    • Why We Resist Change

    • BODYfit

    • MINDfit

    • STRESSfit

    • Goals. Guts. Grit

    • Productivity: Priorities & Digital Distractions

    • Module 2 - Complete The Survey

  • 9

    Sight & Vision

    • Strengths & Vision

    • Goal Setting: SMART Goals

    • Protect Your Dream

    • Mindset. Emotion. Motivation

    • Financial Well-being: Budget & Debt

    • Be the Leader Others Want to Follow

    • Module 3 - Complete The Survey

  • 10


    • Digital Literacy - Email, Zoom, Grammarly

    • Professional Phone Etiquette

    • Resume

    • Cover Letter

    • References

    • Interview

    • Top 10 Interview Questions

    • How to End an Interview

    • Customer Service

    • Criminal Background

    • Module 5 - Complete The Survey

  • 11

    Step Forward

    • Confidence

    • Courage to Forgive

    • Take Inspired Action

    • Soft Skills: Work-Place Protocol, Dress Code, Presentation

    • Branding Statement

    • Conflict Resolution

    • Module 4 - Complete The Survey

  • 12

    Sustaining Success

    • Work-Life Balance

    • Purpose-Driven

    • Win-Win and the 4 Argreements

    • Social Capital

    • Social Media & Job Search

    • Resilience

    • Forgiveness. Failure or Feedback.

    • Congratulations!

    • Module 6 - Complete The Survey

  • 13


    • 3 - Minute Vacation

    • Pressure Point for Relaxation

    • Alternate Nostril Breathing

    • Waterfall - Sunrise

    • Mindful Moment

    • Visualization Exercise

    • Priority Matrix

    • Work-Life Balance Calendar